Wednesday, October 3, 2007

To Think About.

By Aharon Moshe:

It can happen that while trying to become technically proficient in the Mitzvot of say shaking the lulov and esrog, that it can be that one might lose track of the larger picture.

For example, have you stopped to think about why the esrog is used. The esrog is mostly valuable for its thick inner layer as opposed to its fruit, interesting? How often do we think of the fruit of our labor even so much as to become distracted from even our surroundings.

Or how about even thinking about the entire connection of how all plants are so far more dependent upon Hashem for their very existence. If animals do not have enough water, they can seek out greener pastures. Even birds will fly south for the winter as part of its yearly cycle. We have become so insulated from nature, that we truly do need the Festival of Sukkot and all it's related mitzvot at least to attempt to appreciate how everything we have comes from Hashem.

Finally even when you bend down one of the four species on the floor, we should not have to look very far to see someone who is empty of mitzvot. Hashem has given such an abundance to us all, and it is up to us to utilize these great gifts to do his will. Instead of looking outside ourselves we can have a chance to reflect within.

Now is an auspicious time that we can ask Hashem to help us, but how can we help Hashem? Why not look to the person standing next to you in Shul. Take the time to smile, or say hello, introduce yourself, even if you have seen him so many times and do not know his name. The opportunity to do Chesed is always around us.

We need to remember that we like the four species, each having its different qualities, will all be around for a relatively short time. However if we look to function together, then maybe we can bring the letters of that special name YKVK, clsoer together like it tells us we ccan do in our Siddur.

October 3, 2007
Hoshana Rabba


Anonymous said...

Nice article!

Menachem & Elise

Anonymous said...

btw, we think the video by 'SinaiMail', uh, might be seen as inappropriate by the more straight-laced amongst us...

M & E