Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 6: Can Creation and Evolution Both Be Right?

Week 6: Can Creation and Evolution Both Be Right?: "1900-1920: The fundamentalism movement begins, emphasizing a conservative interpretation of the Bible.
1920s: Increasing anti-evolution sentiment leads to the famous Scopes trial in 1925, but anti-evolutionists do not dispute an old earth.
1930-1960: The anti-evolution movement grows quietly.
1961: Theologian John Whitcomb and [hydraulic] engineer Henry Morris publish The Genesis Flood, attempting to explain geology with a young earth and a global flood. "

Uncategorized | - Part 30

Uncategorized | - Part 30: "Biological evolution could, in theory, have followed many different paths with divergent outcomes. However, the exact path which evolution took on earth, and the final outcome we see today, were entirely ordained by G-d, since every event which appears to be ‘chance’ to us is actually determined by G-d.

4b3. Evolutionary Creation with Flexible Outcome. The exact path which evolution took on earth, and the final outcome we see today, were not entirely predetermined by God; rather, God gave his creation a certain degree of ‘freedom.’ God also knew that this process would eventually produce intelligent, personal creatures to whom he could reveal Himself. “"

Above information was excerpted from:

Science and Spirituality: Is Harmony Possible?

Week 6: Can Creation and Evolution Both Be Right?

March 26, 1999

Loren and Deborah Haarsma

The Link to the Website is Below:

Source:Source for Information above which was picked up by

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Yeshiva World Shidduch Crisis? Part II « » Frum Jewish News

The Yeshiva World Shidduch Crisis? Part II « » Frum Jewish News: "Drawing upon my own personal experience and the accumulated emotions of many peers, I tried to tap into the true root of the crisis rather than hocking, ranting, or theorizing about superficial symptoms. I wrote from the heart, as I speak from the perspective of what some may consider a “victim” of this “crisis.”

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The purpose of this essay is to highlight the consequences of this inappropriate obsession—as they are quite grave—and to offer words of chizuk to those who have truly related to my devarim ha’yotzim min ha’leiv, words stemming from the heart."

'via Blog this' "rather than continuously expounding on artificial reasons that explain why science and religion can never co-exist peacefully with each other, I will be moving in a full forward manner in my explanations of one the New York State Regents High School Science’s which I understand best, which is biology.

I will finish with this. One day while learning Torah with our morning group (perhaps a year or two back) the leader of our group was explaining in rather fine detail, that the arc which served to carry the leucos (tablets) was not made of one piece of wood that was covered with gold on the inside and outside.

Rather the arc or Aron was made of three separate pieces that nested into each other. The amazing thought that occurred to me at the time, that the construction of the Aron haKodesh (Holy Arc) was similar in the way that the embryo develops"

Aleph to Tav: ChaiDomains A Venture in the Making!:

Aleph to Tav: ChaiDomains A Venture in the Making!: "despite our greatest abilities to predict what life itself may bring, we often do not understand the simple meaning of our words or actions until we do them, and observe the effect they have on those we are speaking with.

It is an amazing time of the year, and we need to have a thorough understanding of how our thoughts, plans, actions and words effect those around us. Often we are placed in situations where we may simply “go with the flow” and generally things will work out for the best""

Friday, September 9, 2011 Site Info Site Info: "Frum ( The Place To Find All Things Frum! Featuring all varieties of writing, photos, information sharing, relating to primarily Jewish related issues. Some exciting new features are being developed for this website and it's affiliates.

Statistics Summary for is ranked #1,169,020 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. This site is relatively popular among users in the city of New York (where it is ranked #15,444). The site has attained a traffic rank of 121,998 among users in the US, where almost all its audience is located. This site is based in the US"

'via Blog this'

Facebook (99)

Facebook (99): "UST ANOTHER NASER IN EGYPT FIGURE SET UP BY ILLUMINATI INTERESTS FOR THE AREA. When ''the muslims and arabs of the middle east'' ''NEED A LEADER TO FOLLOW'' in order to HERD THE SHEEPLES OF MUSLIMS INTO THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE LINES OF POPULATION CONTROLS FOR VATICAN CENTERED DOMINATION, they, the ruling elites centered at the Illuminati bases set up ''a godly figure'', THEIR SHWARTZENEGGER/RAMBO CHARACTER. You may laugh now, but see how the same ruling elites are setting up Shwartzenegger TO BE THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION HEAD in the years to come, G-d Forbid, if the NWO Machine does not change directions."

'via Blog this' - The Judaism Site - The Judaism Site: " terumas maaser (a tithe of the tithe, given by the Levites to the Kohanim). In Deut. 12 and 14 the Torah discusses maaser sheni (a second tithe, brought to Jerusalem and eaten there by the owner) and maaser oni (which takes the place of maaser sheni and is given to the poor in the third and sixth years of the Sabbatical cycle). 2 Chron.(Ch. 31) and Nehemiah (Ch. 13) describe methods of centrally collecting the terumah and maaser and distributing them to the Kohanim and Levites; apparently, in the later years of the monarchy, it was found necessary to organize these processes and not leave them entirely up to the individual farmer"