Sunday, September 16, 2007


HISTORY OF KABBALAH PART 3: "some, Rabbi Akiva was the redactor of the Sefer Yetzira. Rabbi Yishmael, Tanna during the first and second century. Died c. 3893 (133 CE) after the fall of Betar. Rabbi Yishmael was one of the first of the Ten Martyrs killed by the Romans. Author of the Heichalot - a mystical manual describing the ascent to higher worlds and the means to achieve it. See M Kantor, Jewish Time Line Encyclopedia p. 287-8. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai ( Rashbi) (2nd Century CE) and his circle. Author of the Zohar, Rabbi Shimon was one of the main students of Rabbi Akiva. According to the Gemara, Shabbat 33b, Rabbi Shimon and his son Rabbi Elazar hid in a cave to escape Roman persecution in 3909 (149 CE). Buried at Meron in the Galilee, west of Safed Rabbi Elazar (2nd and 3rd Century CE) son of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Buried at Meron in the Galilee, west of Safed."

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