Sunday, September 16, 2007

Halacha - Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach: Eat The Date Before - Revach

Halacha - Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach: Eat The Date Before - Revach: "Rav Shlomo Zalman reminds us that we should make a Borei Pri HaEtz on the Date first since it is from the Sheva Minim and has priority over the apple and even the pomegranate according to the proper order of Brachos. If a you feel the need to dip the apple in the honey right away then you should leave the date and pomegranate off the table until after you have made the bracha. On the simanim that need a Bracha of Borei Pri Ha'Adama, Rav Shlomo Zalman says you should make the bracha on the Gourd because it is not clear if black eyed peas or leek require making a bracha during a meal or they are exempt with the bracha of HaMotzi. Rav Moshe Shternbuch argues and says that even gourd may not need a separate bracha. The Dinei HaMoadim advises to eat a banana, strawberry, or watermelon which certainly requires a separate bracha and avoiding any problems. "

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