Sunday, September 16, 2007

Halacha - Did The Vilna Gaon Argue With The Arizal - Revach

Halacha - Did The Vilna Gaon Argue With The Arizal - Revach: "It is written in the Maaseh Rav that the Vilna Gaon said that one is not permitted to cry on Rosh HaShana. His mekor is the pasuk in Nechemia that says 'Al Tisablu V'Al Tivku...L'Chu Ichlu Masmanim'; Do not mourn and do not cry... go eat good food. Rosh HaShana is a day of happiness and celebration. The Arizal on the other hand says that every person with a good neshama must cry on Rosh Hashana. Are they arguing? Rav Moshe Shternbuch in his teshuvos (2:268) says that they do not argue. The Vilna Gaon is talking about crying from the fear of Yom HaDin and having the overall mindset that Rosh HaShana is a day of gloom and doom. However if the tears come automatically from inspiration and longing for Hashem during tefilla not only is it permissible it is praised. Outside of tefilla the mood of the day must be happiness and celebration of the Yom TovIt is written in the Maaseh Rav that the Vilna Gaon said that one is not permitted to cry on Rosh HaShana. His mekor is the pasuk in Nechemia that says 'Al Tisablu V'Al Tivku...L'Chu Ichlu Masmanim'; Do not mourn and do not cry... go eat good food. Rosh HaShana is a day of happiness and celebration. The Arizal on the other hand says that every person with a good neshama must cry on Rosh Hashana. Are they arguing? Rav Moshe Shternbuch in his teshuvos (2:268) says that they do not argue. The Vilna Gaon is talking about crying from the fear of Yom HaDin and having the overall mindset that Rosh HaShana is a day of gloom and doom. However if the tears come automatically from inspiration and longing for Hashem during tefilla not only is it permissible it is praised. Outside of tefilla the mood of the day must be happiness and celebration of the Yom Tov"

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